Wage garnishment is a legal process whereby a chunk of your earnings is automatically extracted from your bank in an attempt to settle a debt.
With wage garnishment, the debtor’s employer enters the equation, and they are now, owing to legalities, responsible for making the payment to your creditors on your behalf without you seeing it first.
The law varies for different states, and only certain expenses can be targeted, for example, disposable income.  An employer has no legal recourse to let you go or work against you simply because you’re subject to wage garnishment.
If you’re subjected to wage garnishment, the following are reasons why resorting to a lawyer will help you:
How Can A Wage Garnishment Lawyer Help?
1. Lawyers understand the intricacies involved
A wage garnishment attorney in TXÂ understands consumer protection laws; their experience in the field and knowledge on the subject can help you find a solution that may ease your financial situation. An experienced wage garnishment lawyer in TX can help you negotiate with your creditors and reach a common ground that can benefit you both.
A wage garnishment lawyer in Corpus Christie can restrict creditors from gaining control of your accounts.
2.Your employer is intimidating you
If your employer is threatening to fire you, is bullying you, or is treating you unfairly because you’re subjected to wage garnishment, an expert lawyer in the field can help you. According to the law, an employer cannot fire or marginalize you if your wages are garnished.
3.You’re being accused wrongly
There is a possibility that you have already paid the debt or you never owed any in the first place. Yet, if your wages are garnished, seeking legal advice is best. In such a case, it’s best to opt for a lawyer to help with garnishment.
4.Reduce the amount in question
A wage garnishment attorney in TX can help reduce the amount cut from your paycheck every month. This may not reduce the burden or repayment, but you’ll still have ideally a little more now than you would have before.
A lawyer can request an exemption on your behalf. The law protects you regarding certain incomes or expenses, for example, child support, social security, and retirement, to name a few.
5.File for bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy may be a better approach if no other option exists. However, if you intend to file for bankruptcy, ensure you’re seeking the help of a credible lawyer who can make matters easier for you.
Key Takeaways
Being subjected to wage garnishment can create confusion, anxiety, and stress. In such cases, it’s best to consult a wage garnishment attorney in TX.
Different states have different requirements, so schedule a consultation with a wage garnishment attorney in TXÂ to discuss your options.