For anyone struggling with loan payments, the idea of repossession may be their worst nightmare. After all the effort you put into buying a car, home, or any other asset, having it seized by the bank or mortgage company isn’t pleasant.
The role of a repossession attorney is very valuable in these circumstances. Regardless of what kind of asset you’re dealing with, a repossession attorney can keep it from being taken away.
Let’s look at how they can help keep your property safe. Please note that this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for legal advice.
Negotiating With Creditors
If you’ve been struggling with payments, your repossession attorney can help you negotiate with your creditors and come to a mutual agreement on a repayment plan that meets the needs of both parties. This helps make sure that you don’t default and the creditor gets their money back, as well as helping you protect your assets.
Filing a Lawsuit
Sometimes, even when you’re struggling with payments, a creditor may take advantage of the situation and violate your rights or engage in abusive or harmful collection practices. In such cases, a repossession attorney can help you file a lawsuit against the creditor and seek damages for any harm caused by their actions.
Without a lawsuit in such a situation, you may end up with your property being repossessed unjustly. A lawsuit could result in a court order that keeps this from happening.
Challenge the Validity of the Repossession
Not everyone functions with good intentions, which is also true of some creditors. They may be looking for ways to seize your property even when you haven’t done anything wrong.
If you’re facing the risk of repossession, your attorney can review the loan agreement and the repossession notice to determine whether it’s valid. If there are any holes where the creditor is not following proper legal procedures or violating your rights as a borrower, the repossession may not be valid, and the attorney can help you challenge it in court.
File for Bankruptcy
If you’re facing a large debt and cannot make your loan payments, filing for bankruptcy may be your best bet. This automatically puts a stay on any proceedings made on the repossession front and allows you enough time to meet and negotiate with your creditors or catch up on missed payments.
Filing for bankruptcy can be complicated, and a repossession attorney can help you get through it smoothly.
If you’re looking for a repossession attorney in Texas who can help you get through the process and find the best solution, the Law Office of Joel Gonzalez can help. With our skill and expertise in the field, we can help you with debt relief and filing for bankruptcy. We are dedicated to your cause and will fight tirelessly to defend your rights. Contact us now for more information!